Smart macros &social media
It seems like macro in recipes are defined by the person who created the recipe not by calculating every single ingredient on the list with what’s make the strength of Lifesum: their food database. Which renders the Lifesum experience way less attractive, it’s becomes more of a blog with recipes not fitted to your goals your macros your calories intakes your allergies your restrictions. The same is true for programs where the calories intake is the same for everybody, wether you’re 400lbs male or 100lbs female.
So my suggestion would be :
Computed macros by the ingredients list not recipe blogger (of course could put the initial but we should be able to adapt and the ingredients quantities adapt automatically )
Smart alerts ,eg if we’re on keto and add to much carbs it’ll alert us, allergies , vegan, kosher and so on.
Ability to change daily calories on program and it adapts with the proportion by meal and food quantities.
Another great feature would be making it the social media for meals having everyone able to build their program share it, show food posts, recipes and badging of course the officials
On the overall making it more about you!