Allow users to rate user submitted foods for nutrition accuracy
The current user submitted database is filled with wild amounts of inaccurate data entries to the point I find I have to create my own foods most of the time unless the item is non-user submitted.
By allowing users to rate the accuracy of a user entered food item it would help others make better choices when adding foods to their food log.
One suggestion would be to not rate by star values but instead to show an percentage rating based on the volume of upvotes or down votes.
Chiara Lupo commented
Jeanette Santori commented
How does this not have all the votes? Inaccurate (or irrelevant) entries are the bane of using this app (also the fact that people don't understand how your custom serving size entry is supposed tp work).
It would also be helpful if I could hide entries that are off or confusing or irrelevant to me and not have to scroll forever to something useful.
And another vote for company verified. I saw the lifesum verified stamp on some foods and I appreciated that, but it feels like it could either be on more foods, especially undoctored ingredients like fruits and vegetables and meats, or be prioritized over irrelevant user entries
Scott commented
+1 I'd like to be able to edit the number, regardless if the numbers displayed are wrong.
Erin commented
This is one of the main reasons I left Lifesum awhile back. I was hoping this would be improved and am disappointed that it’s still the same.
Molly Smith commented
YES! This is why I came here! It is so counterintuitive to health goals to make it easier to enter store-bought or restaurant foods than home-cooked meals! At the very least, allow the app orientation to change when the device is flipped so users can use an iPad/keyboard solution. Right now I do that and look at my screen sideways :(
Anonymous commented
YES!!! I would give this 100,000 votes if I could.
Spencer Dixon commented
Could we also get some sort of verified badge or visual indicator by the name of the food, if it has been validated by the company making it, or restaurant serving it?
it's a terrible UX problem to search something like "in n out fries", see 5 different things with different serving sizes and nutritional information. then you have to go check in-n-out's nutrition website and check which one is closest.
Michael Cooper Gary commented
In addition, make it where we can suggest edits and upload a picture of the nutrition label and change serving size.
And change the category of the food so fruits actually track as fruits
Jon Michaelis commented
This is one of the most annoying things with the app, and this would be a good solution.
Even worse when an item linked to a barcode is totally wrong.
Steve Beecheno commented
This is a great idea!