Stop treating all fats as bad.
Stop treating all fats as bad. Your app makes me feel like shit for cooking with one tablespoon of avocado oil. Not all fats are bad, and a lot are necessary. It shouldn't be a frowny face food when I'm trying to hit my fat macros.
Anonymous commented
If you follow the keto plan, there is no problem with fats!!
Krešimir D. commented
You are absolutely right about avocados. People don´t get it, how bad they for our environment is. Same with soya beans. They should be banned from our stores
I commented
I’m getting hit by that, too. It’s not so thrilled about my salad dressing. It should be. You need fats to help you absorb nutrients, because some of them are fat-soluble. My salad would probably be a lot less nutritious if I stopped putting dressing on it.