I would like to suggest that Lifesum Link the information found here https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search/list to its program to offer more consistent and correct food information. If you follow the link you will find the National database that factories, manufactures and other food companies use to get the information for their products nutrition facts label. If it is not possible to link your serveses to the national database to provide consistent and correct food information perhaps have a link that will allow users to reference food they add. Hopefully a partnership with the USDA National DataBase will reduce or eliminate Discrepancy in nutritional tracking. Thank you for your time.
I would like to suggest that Lifesum Link the information found here https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search/list to its program to offer more consistent and correct food information. If you follow the link you will find the National database that factories, manufactures and other food companies use to get the information for their products nutrition facts label. If it is not possible to link your serveses to the national database to provide consistent and correct food information perhaps have a link that will allow users to reference food they add. Hopefully a partnership with the USDA National DataBase will reduce or eliminate Discrepancy in nutritional tracking. Thank you for your time.