Salt to sodium conversion
Add a salt to sodium converter as many people dont know that salt is not equal to sodium. There is a fixed factor to calculate the sodium out of salt. Many foods only have salt labeled and not sodium.
1000mg = 1g of salt contain 394mg of sodium. Factor is 2.54
Love your app :-)
Chris commented
Yes, tracking of Sodium salt is currently impossible unless you manually fix every single food you log. In addition to people entering salt as Sodium, they also enter grams as milligrams, i.e. 1.2g of salt is entered as 1.2mg of sodium, instead of 480mg.
I’d appreciate if you could at least include a check on the sodium value so that if the user enters a value of, say, less than 5mg per / 100g, the user is alerted to the fact that the unit is mg, not g.
Similarly, as long as there is no option to enter salt, the difference between Salt and Sodium could be pointed out somewhere on the form. - But then again, its probably easier to just af a field for salt which automatically updates Sodium.
Karen Marie Kjærulff commented
Yep, really important to do something about this issue - yhe rating of foods doesn.t make sense otherwise, because of the many wrong data
Renzo commented
Normally the labels have the salt values expressed in grams. It would be enough Lifesum accept the values in grams of salt instead of milligrams of sodium. Lifesum make the conversion! We are in the computer age ...;-)
I have seen many foods with the wrong values of grams of salt instead mg of sodium, because of this problem!