Count calories per week
I want to be able to "save" calories some days and eat extra other days. Make it possible to see how many calories there are left the whole week next to the day calories.
Grant Gould commented
Please please please add this idea, I was going to suggest similar... I'm never off my calculator working out what calories I have left, it would def be a nice feature
Simon Lewis commented
I achieve this by 3 custom foods that help me move excess calories and macros to the next day, but it would be great to have something like this so you could work both ways.
We all know that the excess or deficit from the day before is not forgotten, and the next day is a great opportunity to make up for it!
Please create a carryover feature!
Anonymous commented
Yes yes yes.
anonym commented
A simpler version of this would be to transfer all uneaten calories to the next day with the press of a button or to distribute them over a number of days. Excellent way to even out calories when fasting intermittently.
Anonymous commented
Yes I second this. I average my calorie deficit over the week and am constantly doing calculations to see how many calories I have saved earlier in the week and can eat on the weekend. Plus, the current set up will give me a 'red' day for overeating my calories when in fact over the whole week I have remained in a calorie deficit.